At the beginning of The Giver, Jonas is an eleven. He is thinking about his upcoming Ceremony of the twelve in December. At the ceremony he is supposed to be told what his future will be. His parents tell him what their experiences were and what future they were given by the Community.

Also, we meet Jonas's best friend Ash or Asher. Jonas and Ash toss an apple around in a game of catch. For one second, Jonas thinks that he sees something strange when he looks at the apple. He's not sure what it is, but it's already happened before 4 times.
What I thought about:

Once I read this quote, it demonstrates how everyone in this society is obedient and listens to orders. This is very different than our world because not everyone acts that obediently. Some people do, but no everyone. It seems like in their world, everyone is totally obedient. Even people like Ash who have some problems following directions get in line with what the society wants.

Unlike the last quote, this quote actually does remind me of our society. The reason is because there are actually more people with dark eyes than light eyes. Also, and more importantly, this quote reminds me about racial differences and how some people have trouble being open about them.
What I conclude:
I cant be certain exactly what this book will be about. However, I think that there will be many connections between our society and the society in The Giver. I also think that there will be many differences between the two societies. I'm excited to know what future Jonas will be assigned at the Ceremony of Twelve. I want to understand more about what Jonas saw when he looked at the apple. Last, I want to know about the changes in Jonas's house now that Gabe is staying there.
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