Jonas continues to be nervous about his ceremony which is coming up. He's really nervious and you can tell that he is from the way that he acts.
What I thought about:
"Jonas was glad that he had, over the years, chosen to do his hours in a variety of places so that he could experience the differences. He realized, though, that not focusing on one area meant he was left with not the slightest idea - not even a guess - of what his Assignment would be" (28).
When I read this quote, it demonstrated to me how nervous Jonas is about his Ceremony and his assignment. Also, I felt nervous about what assignment Jonas will get because if he gets assigned a job that he doesn't like, then the story would be told in a different way.

"Jonas knew about the pills. His parents both took them each morning. And some of this friends did, he knew... It was the sort of thing one didn't ask a friend about because it might have fallen into that uncomfortable category of "being different." Asher took a pill each morning; Jonas did not. Always better, less rude, to talk about things that were the same" (37-38).
Jonas didn't know about the stirrings, so he didn't know about the pills. Basically, he didn't know what the pills where for. Because he didn't know, he didn't want to talk to Asher about them. This is sort of like our own society. Some people have something personal that they think is different from other people and so they keep it a secret. In this quote, Jonas says that he hasn't told his friend that he's not taking his pills.
What I conclude:

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