What I thought about: In these chapters, Trevor gets into the adults in his life who raised him and influenced him to become a man. This makes me think about my own life and the adults I have in mine. My brother and I have been raised in the same household and it seems like we should have the same adults in our lives. That's not all true, though because my brother has a different mother than me. So I have major influences from my mom and my dad, and so does my brother but he also has his own mother who is not really an influence in my life. She is really important in his life, though. At the same time, he has my mom and so do I since we've lived together since he was really young.
Reading these chapters, I also thought a lot about discipline. Discipline is viewed differently by children and their parents. Trevor talks about his experiences of being under his mother's rules. It seems like he thought about it differently as a kid than he does now. I wonder how I will see things differently when I'm an adult. For example, my mom is annoying in many ways. I think that in the future I might actually appreciate her for being annoying. I might.
What I conclude: By reading these chapters, I learned more about Trevor's life with adults during apartheid and after. Sometimes I think that when things don't go my way it's the end of the world. Then I think about how it would feel to be Trevor Noah during apartheid. He had many issues with this mom that feel normal in my world. But then I think about how Trevor and his mother had to hide the fact that they were mother and son, and that seems like a much more difficult life.
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